www.watkinschow.com |
John Watkins-Chow has done something special for the Masterpieces set. He has created a group of cards based on the major arcana of the Tarot deck, and each card is numbered as such. They are not so much a big panel piece as they are a collection of themed cards. Cards are matched to characters (e.g., Magician = Gandalf) or by image (e.g., the Strength card usually depicts a maiden taming a lion; Eowyn "taming" a fell beast). Some should be fairly obvious [The Lovers = Arwen + Aragorn], others may not be so [The Moon traditionally represents fear, illusion, and bewilderment - so John assigned it to Denethor under the thrall of his palantir - and threw in a crescent highlight to tie it together. Here is the list:
0 - The Fool
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