* Artists odds can be found on the Topps Masterpieces web site

Having trouble identifying an artist of a card?  Hopefully our Signature Identification Chart will help!

Artist Card Totals
Artist # Cards
Kyle Babbitt 106
Len Bellinger 162
Joseph Booth 200
Dennis Budd 106
Jeff Chandler 106
Justin Chung 56
Katie Cook 906
Joe Corroney 106
Renae De Liz 110
Thomas Denmark 100
Otto Dieffenbach 106
Ray Dillon 252
Colleen Doran 200
Dave Dorman 100
Michael Duron 206
Brent Engstrom 200
Darla Ecklund 200
Davide Fabbri 2500
Roberto Flores 500
Dave Fox 100
Otis Frampton 106
Tess Fowler 200
Matthew Goodmanson 400
Grant Gould 1100
Kevin Graham 456
Paul Gutierrez 305
Patrick Hamill 206
Gabriel Hernandez 100
Jessica Hickman 556
Thomas Hodges 406
James Hodgkins 50
Josh Howard 200/250
Mary Huang 175
Lee Kohse 306
Jim Kyle 256
Mike Lilly 100
Leah Mangue 856
John McCrea 50
Brandon McKinney 150
Steven Miller 156
Rich Molinelli 206
Joanne Mutch 150
Jake Myler 300
Steve Oatney 100
Jon Ocampo 256
Mike Oeming 100
William O'Neill 300
Sean Pence 281
Connie Persampieri 356
Keith Phillips 306
Amy Pronovost 256
David Rabbitte 120
Juan Carlos Ramos xxx
Walter Rice 206
Brian Rood xxx
Howard Shum 1000
Allison Sohn 261
Cat Staggs 231
Robert Teranishi 1600
Jerry Vanderstelt 106
Christian Dalla Vecchia 2400
Ryan Waterhouse 1000
John Watkins-Chow 306
Sarah Wilkinson 500
Russell Walks xxx
Jeff Zapata @ 80
Chuck Zsolnai 150

All images and names © New Line Cinema Productions, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Topps is a registered trademark of the Topps Company, Inc.